You searched for 'Music ban'...
...and we found 100 results
Singapore cannot afford to lose these reputable live music bars
The authorities need to give these venues a fighting chance before it’s too late
Bandcamp is now banned in China
In a blow to underground & indie artists, The Great Firewall strikes again
Lapgan dishes out 21 tracks of beats & samples via Pakistan’s Lollywood
The Chicago-based beat-maker marks his 2nd release with electrocaïne’s X-Series
Partying through the pandemic
Marcus Barnes examines the moral dilemma surrounding partying during the coronavirus pandemic
And Mixmag Asia's MVP of 2020 is...Wonderfruit (despite no Wonderfruit this year)
Our people of the year. Here's why...
Thailand's largest music festival was shut down amid overcrowding & "coronavirus concerns"
Although some critics suspect politics also played a role for the event's clear political messaging
Singapore’s veteran DJs reflect on a party scene in flux
These folks haven’t given up all these years. Why start now?
An EDM club in Taipei has unabashedly banned bounce music…but what even is bounce music?
Inside China, a war on bounce is brewing