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BEAUZ, LIZZY & RayRay take the helm for Asia at a festival hosted on Minecraft

The virtual music festival is actually UC Berkeley's 2020 graduation

  • Waiying Ho
  • 12 May 2020
BEAUZ, LIZZY & RayRay take the helm for Asia at a festival hosted on Minecraft

Always active and constantly evolving duo BEAUZ have just taken another exciting step forward with their involvement and creation of Blockeley Block Party — a 100% student-run online music festival and fundraiser hosted on the popular gaming platform Minecraft.

That’s right. Minecraft has its own music festival, with an international line-up, fan-artist interaction and a fully immersive community experience. Blockeley was originally set up by UC Berkeley students with an initial goal of replicating their campus on the Minecraft platform, and soon saw themselves trying to plan a graduation party. Then over the last few months, volunteers helped to build a larger venue that could host a festival.

The last ingredient to the festival is the hyped line-up of Asian artists which was just announced today and includes China’s #1 female DJ LIZZY, Taiwanese hotshot RayRay, Tokyo Machine from Japan and of course the duo that Sino-American duo BEAUZ.

The Blockeley Block Party venue is a 1:1 recreation of the UC Berkeley campus in Minecraft. Below are some sample photos of possible stages constructed to be constrtucted.

Virtual doors open to the digitally immersed festival this coming weekend on Saturday 16 May at 4pm PST / 7am GMT+8. You can either login to Minecraft or access via YouTube, Facebook or Twitch. You can find more information here.

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