You searched for 'live music events'...
...and we found 100 results
A dance music themed gourmet burger joint has opened in Ibiza
Grab the Edam Beyer or the Avocado Villalobos from iBeefaBurger
Sustainable riders: Your festival trash doesn’t belong in the ocean
DJs, promoters, event organisers, managers, tour managers, agents & music fans: this is for you
DGTL confirms ADE festival for 3 days of sustainability, circularity & music
The announcement confirms that ADE 2021 will take place on October 14 - 16
Singapore’s scene suffers as it tumbles back into another semi-lockdown
The new measures adversely affect the city from 16 May to 13 June 2021
Haseeb Iqbal: “DIY space are at the root of so many influential music scenes”
Seb Wheeler talks to Haseeb Iqbal about his debut book, Noting Voices, and the crucially important independent venues, festivals and events that it documents
11,000 people attend a festival in Wuhan
The first COVID outbreak was reported 16 months ago in the city
Music scenes across the Philippine islands remain on a tightrope as cases top 1 million
In the absence of tourism & events, provinces & cities outside the metropolis are finding means to cope
The DJ Dispensary go into bat for club culture as live concerts sprout back into life in Singapore
The quest for fair treatment as Singapore prepares to open up to music performance