You searched for 'Art Installation'...
...and we found 74 results

How Instagram is changing the design of clubs and festivals
Now is the summer of our disco content

Ceekayello debuts art installation powered by global air quality
Hong Kong-based creative agency illuminates at Wonderfruit

The full line-up and program for Quest Festival in Vietnam has been released
A total of over 150 acts and artists are heading to Vietnam in November

Mija challenges the status quo with hard hitting drum 'n' bass and is making an impact
Time to meet the talented selector behind the coloured hair
Zieght: Setting a new standard in stage design
Because we're millennials and music and visuals just aren't enough anymore

Sónar+D: Our top technological picks away from stages
There is so much more to Sónar Hong Kong than music

The first ever EDC in Japan finalizes a mega line-up
3 iconic stages and nearly 30 international acts
Snapped: Karma Kamp
Karma Kamp brought rumble to the jungle