You searched for 'live music events'...
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Thailand's largest music festival was shut down amid overcrowding & "coronavirus concerns"
Although some critics suspect politics also played a role for the event's clear political messaging
20 in 2020: Dance anthems from Asia that blew us away
We've selected the biggest tunes of the year from all corners of our vibrant scene
Singapore’s veteran DJs reflect on a party scene in flux
These folks haven’t given up all these years. Why start now?
Ear Up Incubation offers Hong Kong independent musicians industry mentoring
The initiative is sponsored by the governments CreateHK body
Audio Asia: Mister Rodrigo brings timeless garage feels to Malaysia's capital
'Show Me Love' comes dripping with UK nostalgia
Electric India: Bangin the drum (& bass) with the legendary MIDIval Punditz
India’s O.G. electronica duo reveal their long-awaited 5th album
B1 turns 2: How to survive (and thrive) during a 5 steps
Words of wisdom from a club celebrating 2 years this weekend
Wonderfruit saves 2020, launches a season-long event series in The Fields
In place of Wonderfruit this year, introducing Moobaan Wonder