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Aberrant Records unleash an ultra collectable compilation of rare, female-led Asian disco gems
Lose yourself in multicoloured freak-funk from across the continent on this super kitsch album
Audio Asia: authentic house flavours power the groove on Halal Sol's 'Don't Feel The Bass'
Six dynamic cuts of nocturnal club textures come courtesy of SG's Darker Than Wax
Osaka-based Mori Ra shows style on his first-ever Long-Player, 'Japanese Breeze Edits'
The edit specialist dives deep into obscure archives and resurfaces with an exceptional album
Premiere: Kaishandao opens up her debut EP with 'To the East Coast'
The Chengdu-based artist has an ethereal touch to her productions
Audio Asia: Mystery man Alphonse ushers in the late-night rave on 'Fanatic'
Klasse Wrecks maintain their impeccable quality threshold with an exquisitely deviant four-tracker
Maharlika Musika join legendary German duo Warp Brothers for a powerful dose of psytrance
'Kanlaon' sees Filipino artists Jenil & Mister Krumbs launch their new collaboration with a loud bang
Mong Tong pair a series of art books with a soundtrack around deep Taiwanese culture & myth
Take a tour to the underworld while listening to the slow-paced electronic album
Road To Recovery: Doppelgangerz on their comeback in Singapore’s house scene
The brothers look to the future with more singles for the year ahead