You searched for 'degree'...
...and we found 100 results
Immersive exhibition blends technology with nature in the mountains of Taiwan
The MOTUS International Fulldome Festival highlights conservation through multi-media
From Zero to Hero: The Chinese thirst for education heads to its DJ schools
Will the rise of DJ schools in China finally churn out a world famous DJ?
Legend Festival offers an immersive cultural/music experience in Pattaya
Big headliners, Asian culture and mythical characters a recipe for success?
Digging deep: Jogging the minds of Asia’s experiential music curators
It’s not always just about the music, but the music is always there
Sustainable sesh: How clubs and festivals are boosting the green agenda
Music events are encouraging environmental responsibility through conversation and actions
Desa Potato Head: Everything we know about Bali's audiophile indulgence opening in December
A subterranean nightclub helmed by DJ Harvey is just the beginning
A guide to knowing when to leave the afterparty
For the sake of your health
The 10 most mesmerising and influential Nicolas Jaar mixes from the last decade
We dug back as far as 2008 when Jaar was 18