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Jing Lekker spearheads 2-day festival in Berlin named "Temple of the Body"

The event is “an action to subvert mainstream values and societal norms”, uniting Asia & Europe’s vibrant queer energy

  • Adrianna Cheung
  • 3 August 2023
Jing Lekker spearheads 2-day festival in Berlin named "Temple of the Body"

Unknown White Powder (UWP), a new music label by Germany-based, Taiwanese artist Jing Lekker, will be collaborating with Dissident and Homopleasure — events collectives led by Carly Zeng and Manbo Key respectively — to bring a two-day music and art festival to Berlin.

Named ‘Temple of the Body’, the event which takes place for a whole weekend this month will feature a diverse lineup of LGBTQIA+ artists, showcasing their unique talents through live music, panel discussions, workshops, parties and other activities.

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Additionally, the festival aims to connect the queer energy of Asia and Europe — both familiar, but each with their unique creative minds and experiences.

"Nudity has always been a culturally refined and concrete expression. For the queer community, nudity is also a political concept: a rebellion against patriarchal authority. By seeing our own bodies, we come to understand the male and female symbols imposed upon us as a social construct," mentions UWP in an Instagram post.

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The label also goes on to add that the festival "is an action to subvert mainstream values and societal norms."

Highlighted in the line-up are a number of Taiwanese artists such as Manbo Key, Xie Heming (謝賀銘), Gwenmi Lai and SABIWA, among others.

‘Temple of the Body will be held on August 18-19, 2023 at Kühlhaus Berlin; more info on the festival here.

Adrianna Cheung is Mixmag Asia’s Culture Curator, follow her on Instagram.
