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Damage drops a new collection of gear for your next rave inspired by Franz Kafka

The Taiwanese brand hits us again with a brazen release called Ungeziefer

  • Olivia Wycech
  • 30 September 2020

Damage is Taiwan’s pop culture provocateur brand from the future and they’ve been shocking us with their brazen collections since their first incarnation as a small shop in Taipei more than a decade ago. The in-house brand belongs to AMPM Studio in Taiwan.

Their latest collection is Ungeziefer — or the Vermin Collection — and is lightly inspired by the Franz Kafka novella Metamorphisis.

“We struggle to be individuals in a functional society,” says the brand of their inspiration. “We are cast into a system which promotes normality and because of this, we have a fear and anxiety of being cast out of this system. Vermin represent the depravity of our existence by trying to coexist in this soulless society.”

Much like their latest drop, Damage’s past collections have satirized images of memes and explored themes like subversion, human conflict and controversy surrounding the conditioning of warfare within today’s modern society (think anything from the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal to portraits of Kim Jong-un).

Their tongue-in-cheek collections further blend fantasy and futurism with hardware nuances that look toward the future, generating iconic images that have catapulted the brand from being a one-time collaboration to a global phenomenon with a cult social media following.

Read our interview with the Taiwanese brand here and check the gallery above to see snaps from Ungeziefer.
