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Burning Man’s new conversation series is here to enlighten us

The first episode of Incandescence airs today and offers a look into the provocative and thoughtful ideas behind radically original creativity

  • Adrianna Cheung
  • 15 October 2020
Burning Man’s new conversation series is here to enlighten us

Craving enlightened conversations? Well, Burning Man is rolling out a conversation series called Incandescence and it might be the perfect afternoon show to get your brain working. The one-hour programme will air on its own live media platform called Kindling and reach into the provocative and thoughtful ideas behind radically original creativity.

Incandescence, which means to heat up visible light, also pretty much sums up the aim of the featured event. The new series focuses on sparking audiences’ imagination as they bring in different creators on every third Thursday of the month (10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 7pm Central European and at 10:30pm in Mumbai) to talk about how they are making changes across different cultures. This aim of the new channel is to bring fans closer to the creators’ lives following the cancellation of almost all live events in the face of the pandemic.

Catherine Turp, creative director of Moment Factory, kicks off the show with French DJ, producer and label owner Jennifer Cardini and Pablo Gonzalez Vargas, founder of iconic Burning Man art car Mayan Warrior.

“We’d created a place packed with girls having fun together, who felt sexy as lesbians – and where boys loved to come – if they behaved themselves,” said Cardini, who first made her name at Le Pulp, Paris in the late 1990s. Aside from performing intoxicating DJ sets across Europe and beyond, she continues to vehemently support the LGBT community throughout her fifteen year career.

Alongside Cardini is technology entrepreneur Pablo González Vargas, who also founded a mobile payment platform Sr.Pago that offers financial services to the unbanked and of course the Mayan Warrior art car, which is celebrated not just at Burning Man but around the world for bringing together musicians and artists like photographers, architects and craftsmen. On this first episode of Incandescence, he talks about how he expresses his vision through art and business.

For now, the Burning Man community is optimistic in bringing Black Rock Desert culture via virtual events to the world as we wait out the year that decimated dance music.

Ready for Cardini and Vargas to get into your place and mind? More information of Incandescence Episode 1, which airs October 15, can be found here.
