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Yum Cha Chats: Immerse yourself in Bali-style wellness practices with Dipha Barus

Let the EDM artist’s zen-like outlook on life humble & inspire you

  • Dipha Barus
  • 25 October 2020

Sunday’s are hard but can be made easier with unexpected delights — so here’s some fluff to get you through it. Inspired by a recent jaunt for dim sum with Miss Yellow in Hong Kong, allow us to deliver a new edition of Yum Cha Chats — which means let’s go eat dim sum and drink tea in Cantonese. The series will dig into the obscure and tasty 'fillings' you never knew about your favourite DJs and have nothing to do with music — every Sunday. Best enjoyed from bed…

Meet Dipha Barus, the Indonesian DJ that’s captured the attention of the world by incorporating traditional Indonesian beats into modern electronic music. The artist was tapped by New York-label Ultra Music last year and churning out music regularly since. While working from home this year, Dipha he’s also been strengthening his focus on mindful wellness practices that help him balance out the turbulence of life. He first got into meditation and wellness through martial arts when he studied Wing Chun for four and a half years. From there, he got into Siu Nim Tao, which is a form of standing meditation, and then he got into Isha Kriya.

“I started exploring other forms of meditation and began my journey to self-healing. What really got me into self-healing and mindfulness is being able to make peace with my trauma and wounds. I’m also really into Sound Healing, and often put healing frequency elements into my music. But wellness practices don't only end in physical practices… what we eat is also very important. Eating things that are actually good for the body, and not just good for your appetite; as Sadhguru once said: “The true joy of eating is to be conscious that another life is willing to merge and mingle with your own life and become a part of you.” Although I learn and practice all, I still have ups and downs and I still encounter battles from day to day, but that’s where we keep learning. It is never a linear process, it is a never-ending journey.”

Grounding Meditation

"I first discovered this form of meditation through a family friend who is a meditation practitioner. I practice this because it is important for one's inner soul to be grounded as well as to have one's aura and energy stable. In order to manifest, you must be grounded. If one is not grounded, one cannot manifest. Grounding is basically getting energy from mama earth. This practice highly affects my work and creativity, whether on stage or in the studio. I can feel it when my Sacral Chakra & Throat Chakra is aligned and balanced, and when it is not. You can practice this anywhere you please."

Kundalini Yoga

"First time I ever tried this form of Yoga, I was taught by Punnu, an Indian Healer based in Ubud. I just tried it randomly and got hooked and tried it all over the world every time I had the opportunity. This one is special to me because I can sit with my soul, and I can awaken my inner energy anytime I want. This practice is beneficial to strengthen the nervous system, as well as your inner will power located in your Solar Plexus / Third Chakra, allowing it to be more awakened. Which then allows more creativity and power to flow, and also being more attuned to your intuition… it really takes you to a different dimension when you’re in the zone. Because I have practised and learned from multiple gurus, I practice this frequently on my own. If you’re interested, you can try this in a few places here in Bali; Yoga Barn, Kundalini Bali, Desa Seni Canggu."

Chit Shakti Meditation

"This particular practice is important to manifest my ideas and my thoughts. I self practice this frequently and it is really amazing how strong the power of the mind can be. How we organise and focus our minds will decide the direction our life flows, and learning how to use the power of the mind to create what one wants in life is what this practice is all about. For example, I would try to manifest my desires… and in the next five months, it would really come true. A specific example would be… I would really want one of my inspirational DJs to play a track that I produced - and it would really happen. This makes me believe in the flow and focus of energy and the law attraction."


"I do boxing to practice my groove… it inspires my grooves while I’m in the studio. I even get a lot of my drum patterns through boxing. When I box I do it at home on my rooftop in the open air, plus I get the view of the rice paddy so that’s a bonus. I find creativity and exercise my creativity through all forms… not only through music. For example, I would find quotes from influential individuals, such as Sadhguru or Martin Luther King, and I would put chords to go along the speech just to get the creative juices flowing. Same as boxing and finding the groove. As human beings, you must feel limitless to possibilities and not constrained in a box, you have to feel free and dynamic with no boundaries, free from doubt and blaming."


"I always heal when I’m close to nature, so I love to run outdoors; usually in Seseh, or Batu Belig Beach, or Subak Uma, Desa Canggu Jogging Track or Sukawati in Gianyar. When I box or run I listen to all kinds of music but house — whether it is John Coltrane, Miles Davis, etc. Creativity won’t come when you force it, get to let it flow… and trust. You can sense out any possibilities when you’re open and in the zone. I also make sure I bring a trash bag with me to pick up trash along the way, we got to take care of nature because it does so much for us."

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