You searched for 'digital distribution'...
...and we found 44 results

Global value of music copyright has surpassed cinema for the first time
Last year the total revenue from recorded music, publishing and royalties reached US$45.5bn compared to global box office revenues of US$33.2 billion

DJ AG launches fundraiser to support independent artists
The viral internet sensation dubbed “the most important DJ in the UK” is intent on giving a platform to lesser known musicians

Around East Asia in 40 days with Max Durante
The Italian techno ambassador shares stories from his extensive tour, featuring film-themed hotels, temples, masterclasses, museums and more

Google AI can now create "soundtracks" for video clips as part of new update
The update aims to revolutionise Google's video-to-audio (V2A) technology

A night of deep beats and timeless wisdom with Larry Heard
Seoul-based producer Themba Searles digs into topics of musicianship, the business and the life of the man known as Mr. Fingers

French clubs granted "cultural status" as part of new legislation
Culture Nuit, a union for nightlife in France, first met with Minister of Culture Rachida Dati in 2021 to lobby for the decision

European Commission fines Apple over €1.8 billion for violating antitrust laws
Spotify appealed to the EU after suspecting Apple of restricting competition in the app store

TIDAL memberhentikan 40 karyawan di seluruh dunia sebagai langkah untuk "menjauh dari musik"
Percakapan Slack yang bocor mengungkapkan bahwa lapangan kerja di Eropa, Amerika Utara dan Selatan telah dikurangi