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Parallelle drops 5-track LP with field recordings from across Asia Pacific
Watch the videos behind their music-making travels across Osaka, Java, Bengaluru, Fiji & Bangkok.

How ARC Music Festival’s global appeal is uplifting Chicago’s world class house scene
ARC is educating new audiences on dance music's roots and making the ever-evolving scene of Chicago a focal point on the international stage

RIP DJ Deeon: a force of nature who rocked speakers around the globe
DJ Deeon's legacy has impacted every strain of modern dance music. Joe Muggs and peers of the Chicago ghetto house pioneer pay tribute

The LiFTED 50 just announced Asia's top rappers
This year’s number one spot was taken by India’s leading hip hop artist DIVINE

Banner tribute to Faithless' Maxi Jazz unveiled by Crystal Palace supporters
Faithless members were in attendance to witness the hand-painted tribute to their late band mate

Wild Wild West: After the pandemic, LA's rave underground bounces back stronger than ever
A new era of the rave underground - led by femme and queer POC DJs and collectives – is popping off in Los Angeles. Star Eyes and Bianca Oblivion of the Warp Mode crew clue us in

Breaking Bad gets a four-season remake in South Korea
Despite the original series' success, netizens are skeptical about its upcoming Asian version

Taipei: Reboot Taipei presents ONE with Amelie Lens & FARRAGO
Sunday, February 26, 2023