Hong Kong announces its first physical art fair since COVID-19
Twelve local galleries will participate in ‘Unscheduled’

The worst isn’t over folks. As predicted, a second wave of 36 COVID-19 cases has been confirmed in China earlier this week prompting stricter lockdown measures.
Meanwhile, as Hong Kong grows lax with social distancing, public spaces have decided to open up and test the waters. In Central, Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts have announced an ‘Unscheduled’ art fair organized by the Hong Kong Art Gallery Association. Fitting, given the natural uncertainty and postponed show dates being the new normal.
Earlier in the year, Art Basel cancelled their annual live exhibition and shifted their flagship event virtually with online viewing rooms that are currently live until June 26. The virtual exhibition showcases 4,000 paintings, installations, digital art and photography from world-renowned artists and 35 countries.
‘Unscheduled’ will be the first live physical art fair aiming to kickstart Hong Kong’s art scene with a total of 12 local galleries and a few solo appearances hosting the event. Viewers can expect to see pieces of art from visual artist Frog King Kwok by 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Ben Brown Fine Arts and Over The Influence HK featuring works from performance artist Liu Bolin.
Hong Kong-based independent curators and artists Ying Kwok and Sara Wong are responsible for the selected artworks at ‘Unscheduled’ ranging from $3,000 to $40,000 per piece. The ticketed art fair will run from now until June 27.
Image by Hong Kong Art Gallery Association