Could Tomorrowland be heading to Thailand?
Discussions have commenced, fingers crossed

Thailand has really proven the strength of its music scene recently with clubs in Bangkok churning out international bookings a few times a week, festivals boasting big league headliners at a frequency that feels like monthly and local artists relentlessly pushing, promoting and creating an all around healthy day-to-day music community, not to mention it being one of the few Southeast Asian countries to avoid any major controversies such as the ill fated Future Music Festival Asia, so it was just a matter of time before the bigwigs set their sights on Thailand.
Well it would appear that Tomorrowland, one of the world’s most exciting, colorful and renowned electronic music festivals is in discussions with a local entertainment promoter to bring the event to Thailand. The festival, which originated in Belgium in 2005, is one of the world's biggest festivals with attendance peaking in 2014 at 360,000 attendees. It's seen expansion to America, Brazil and beyond.
It also seems as if talks have already progressed to the point that the Tomorrowland camp has already given the promoter, World Planet Entertainment, some guidelines.
The group's managing director Chatri Tungthiankul said in an interview that Thailand is indeed looking to host world-class events such as Tomorrowland and he is confident that with the government’s involvement and cooperation, as well as working with local travel agencies to promote the “travel-tainment” industry, this this project could turn into more than just a possibility.
“We have to prepare a venue that can host up to 450,000 attendees,” said Tungthiankul. “We will also have to be ready to facilitate the journey for festival-goers from other countries, specifically at the immigration control, because when people travel to the festival in other countries – Belgium, Brazil and the US – their personalised festival bracelet does all the work, including that of a passport.”
“China and Japan also expressed an interest in hosting the festival,” he added.

World Planet Entertainment has already reached out to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports in Thailand and are currently searching for a suitable venue.
One way or another, it does seem that fans of the festival who have until now only experienced it via vibrant photography and stimulating videos will finally have a chance to attend the festival on their continent. Fingers crossed anyway.
Watch last year's official and rather impressive aftermovie below.
[via: Pulse Radio]