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Canadian company modernizes vinyl pressing technology

The new machinery will start shipping later this year

  • Patrick Hinton
  • 10 February 2016
Canadian company modernizes vinyl pressing technology

With vinyl sales and the demand for production continuing to surge, it was only a matter of time until the technology to press records was improved.

The industry is currently hampered by the limited number of factories in operation and the outdated machinery they employ, which causes delays and backlogs as a growing number of labels queue up to get their releases made.

That could all be about to change however, with Canadian company Viryl Technologies announcing it has designed modernised vinyl pressing technology that does the job quicker, more efficiently and to a higher quality than the current machines that were all largely designed in the 1950s and 60s.

Viryl has claimed to have close to a hundred sales leads, and will be hoping to revolutionise the industry by closing these deals, with each press costing a reported $160,000 USD and set to start shipping this year.

If you want to see how the industry currently operates, check out our gallery documenting the inside of a vinyl factory.

[Via:Globe and Mail]

Patrick Hinton is Mixmag’s Digital Intern, follow him on Twitter here

[Winter Social takes place February 6 at Kent Country Showground. Get tickets from Skiddle below or at Social Festival site.]
