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Visual artist Shohei Fujimoto reveals his latest music installation piece

The abstract minimalist piece focuses on manipulating the structure of light

  • Karina Curlewis
  • 25 June 2020
Visual artist Shohei Fujimoto reveals his latest music installation piece

Shohei Fujimoto is a live AV and installation artist who focuses on the structure of light as the foundation of his work and study. From a scientific perspective, he takes the physical properties of light and transfers its form into impactful and hypnotic visuals. Once accompanied by original music scores, his visual art elevates into live experiences resembling moments of suspended time. His distinct installations carry recurring red lasers weaving into shapes, dense black hollow spaces, streams of white light and 3D shapes.

In his latest released work ‘Density Compression [2020]’, the focus is reflections and embodying light as a physical object that can be altered into behavioural patterns. By connecting sight and sound sensory elements, an atmospheric music composition (created by artist Kyoka) accompanies the visual adding depth and a different tone as a whole. Psychologically, it’s a sonic mind trip that can either be wonderfully soothing or anxiety-inducing with eyes open or closed or both for varied interpretation.

He describes his experimentation with light and laser design as, “focusing on how we see the intangible as tangible using 420 kinetic laser modules to generate virtual consciousness, presence and behaviour of life in this time.”

Watch Density Compression [2020] here:
