Mixer & Missus: Dada Life
How well do Swedish duo Dada Life really know each other?
What is Stefan’s secret talent?
Olle: “Being really nerdy.”
Stefan: “I can do a unicycle and juggle at the same time. When I was a kid I wanted to become a circus artist but my mom said I should probably study instead. So it was good because then I was home doing music but I still have all my circus skills.”
No points here but I think we’d love to see Stefan’s circus skills in action!
What does Olle think is the best thing to come out of Sweden?
Stefan: “The polar bear rugs.”
Olle: “Music! And it’s not for self boasting, it’s just what I think Stefan would say.”
No points again but we agree that Sweden is certainly prime breeding ground for top DJs.
What does Stefan think is the best place to DJ?
Olle: “He would say Los Angeles.”
Stefan: “Los Angeles, California. Or Dada Land.”
Ding, ding, ding, one point!
What is the best thing Olle can make in the kitchen?
Stefan: “Chili”
Olle: “Chili.”
Tastes like a winner, another point!
Who is Stefan’s most influential musician?
Olle: “Something old and hard style, I don’t know any names but some old techno style. I’d say Prodigy.”
Stefan: “I don’t have any. It’s just that there are so many things that inspire you and you can’t narrow it down and be like oh, this guy is so good. I get inspired just by being here, watching the wind blow across that pool, or just like if you smile and I like that smile then I’m going to try and make a track about that smile. Or Sven Vath.”
Not even close, but good to know their music comes inspired by the good stuff.
What would Olle say is the best album ever made?
Stefan: “That’s a hard one. The first Daft Punk album”.
Olle: “I have no idea. I’d say Kraftwerk.”
Don’t ask musicians music questions, they prefer food. No points again…
What is the most annoying or frustrating thing that Stefan does?
Olle: “Being overly detailed.”
Stefan: “Polish poop…it means you work on something too much. It’s like if you have a pile of poop and you try to fix it, whatever you do with it it’s still going to be a pile of poop. So I over work stuff.”
It sounds like a match, I think?
What is the ugliest thing Olle has ever done with a banana?
Stefan: “Slipped on one and broke his ankle.”
Olle: “Slipped on it. It’s not that ugly but the result is ugly.”
Life in Dada Land is obviously very slippery!
What is the ugliest thing Stefan has ever done with a banana?
Olle: “Probably slipped on it too. It’s the ugliest thing you can do with a banana.
Stefan: “Placed it under Olle’s foot.”
Uh oh!
What would Olle’s Tinder profile say?
Stefan: “We don’t have Tinder. I don’t know what Tinder is? Oh, our tour manager uses it. Maybe….Hi, I’m Olle, I’m from Dada Life.”
What would Stefan’s Tinder profile say?
Olle: “Ugly DJ.”