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The 10 most mesmerising and influential Nicolas Jaar mixes from the last decade

We dug back as far as 2008 when Jaar was 18

  • Olivia Wycech
  • 2 March 2017

In an oversaturated industry filled with homogeneous music, ego and ideas, Nicolas Jaar weaves together sounds with textures and eras, leading his listeners on a sojourn of sonic exploration and otherworldly experiences. In our humble opinion, Jaar is one of the finest things to happen to electronic music. He is a master and a marvel as a producer and a live musician, but even his earlier DJ sets are just as intense and bone-chilling. They're for sunrise, sunset, pre-party, after-party, dinner party and....any party really. We've dug deep into his treasure trove of music and unearthed ten sets that we feel are amongst some of the most influential of all time.

2008: Live at the Marcy Hotel

The Marcy Hotel, where it all began together with Wolf + Lamb. Just barely out of high school and prior to starting his degree at Brown, Jaar only was 18 when this was recorded and already well on his way to solidifying his position as a modern-day Mozart.

2 2010: Tsugi Podcast

This soulful journey dates back to 2010 and will impress even the most discerning music lovers. It’s a mesmerising collection of music from Blackalicious, Cat Power, Can, Kid Koala, Mayaan Nidam, Animal Collective and more. All 10,500 plays on this SoundCloud link alone are probably ours and it’s easily our favorite mix from the wunderkind. Download link here.
